
Amp coin to $1
Amp coin to $1

The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, the price of cryptocurrencies moves up and down very rapidly.Īmp is good for investing but there are many cryptocurrencies that can give a higher return on your investment than Amp. Is Amp a good Investment?ĪMP has the potential to grow in the long term, it can give good returns to its investors, the cryptocurrency may exceed $0.70 by the year 2025.īut before investing in any cryptocurrency you should do your research and you should never invest money in cryptocurrency which cannot afford to lose. We estimate the Amp can trade between $0.2 to $0.35 in the year 2023, the price can rise to $0.45 in year 2024 and by the year 2025, the price can be more than $0.70. Our Prediction About The AMP Coin:Īt the current time of writing the price of Amp is $0.05099, the price can grow to $0.1 by the mid of 2022. They also say the Amp will reach $1 by the year 2030. What Does the Market Say?Įconomy Watch estimate the price of Amp will be $0.1 by the beginning of 2022, and $0.5 by the year 2025. The price of AMP at the time of writing is $0.05099. Since July, there is no such big improvement in the price of Amp, the price of the cryptocurrency has not gone high than $0.075352 so far. In May and June, the price of Amp has increased rapidly, the price went high till $0.108935, but after hitting $0.108935, the price of Amp started going down, the price was $0.058641 by the end of June. The price rose to $0.062729 in April, but by the end of the month, the price dropped to $0.048483, Amp performed well in this month as compared to its previous month of March. AMP Coin Token Distribution: Since Flexacoins are swapped to AMP coin in a 1:1 ratio. Voting: For a successful vote, a quorum of 5 billion AMP (5 of token supply) must be achieved and the vote has to be active for atleast 48 hours. In March the Amp was trading between $0.022928 and $0.029989. The submitter must hold atleast 1 billion AMP (1 of the total supply). The price of Amp went up in February 2021, the price was $0.009558 on the 1st of Feb and by the 16th of the month, the price of Amp reached $0.036661. AMP did not performed well at the beginning for a few months. In the first month, the price of crypto fall by 35.64% and was $0.006669 by the end of its launch month. The AMP Debuted with the price of $0.05782 in September 2020. Advertisement Past Performance of AMP Coin:

Amp coin to $1